accent a word on the second syllableの例文
word accent
At first, dependence on word accent was assumed, parallel to Verner's Law. Latin word accent is determined by the syllable structure; pitch accents tend to be more free. As in Finland Swed......

word word word
Shakespeare, after all, has Hamlet caught in the wheels of his own hyperactive mind, enthralled by " words words words ." In 2010, Burnham's second album was released, and " Words Words Wo......

the second word war
He served in the Army during the First World War and as Civil Defence Incident Officer during the Second Word War.

a word is also a picture of a word
A Word Is Also a Picture of a Word.

spread the word to end the word
Additionally, she works with Special Olympics to help promote the Spread the Word to End the Word campaign. On March 31, 2009 the campaign celebrated the 1st Annual Spread the Word to End ......

translate word for word
Christkindlesmarkt could be translated word for word as " Christ Child Market ". ;Anarchism and Esperanto : Currently being translated word for word from the Esperanto original ( ) by your......

word by word
You are all welcome to check my edit history word by word. Did they sit together and hammer the stuff out word by word? It'll translate from another language by complete sentences, not wor......

word for word
The rest was word for word what Susan said in identical situations. I've spent a lifetime remembering conversations word for word, " he says. Much of the article has been copied word for w......

word for word translation
It doesn't have to be a word for word translation. Leonzio Pilato made an almost word for word translation of Homer's works into Latin for Giovanni Boccaccio. I'm not interested a precise ......

word word
For semantic information, they used a task determining if words word synonyms. The game starts as 4 regular 1-dimensional 45-word Word Association games. It comes with built-in Pocket Word......

word-for-word translation
Lyrics and word - for - word translation of a popular song If we give precedence to the word , this is called literal or word - for - word translation Lyrics in pinyin and characters , and......

centimeter per second per second
In those 20 seconds, your velocity ( = speed ) increased from 60 to 70, an increase of 10 kph . 10 kph over a period of 20 seconds works out to be an acceleration of 13.9 centimeters per s......

centimeters per second per second
In those 20 seconds, your velocity ( = speed ) increased from 60 to 70, an increase of 10 kph . 10 kph over a period of 20 seconds works out to be an acceleration of 13.9 centimeters per s......

meter per second per second
A newton is the force needed to accelerate a one-kilogram mass one meter per second per second. Acceleration ( meters per second per second ) trots off the tongue easily enough-but electri......

meters per second per second
A newton is the force needed to accelerate a one-kilogram mass one meter per second per second. Acceleration ( meters per second per second ) trots off the tongue easily enough-but electri......

metre per second per second
:metres per second squared is just a shorthand for metres per second per second. You don't need the dividing dot unless there's going to be ambiguity for example if you were also talking......

metres per second per second
:metres per second squared is just a shorthand for metres per second per second. You don't need the dividing dot unless there's going to be ambiguity for example if you were also talking......

per second per second
That acceleration equals 32 feet per second per second. :metres per second squared is just a shorthand for metres per second per second. A newton is the force needed to accelerate a one-ki......

second lady or second gentleman of the philippines
"' Second Lady or Second Gentleman of the Philippines "'( First Lady or First Gentleman ( who is almost always the consort of the President of the Philippines ).

second message,second messenger
Second message , second messenger

a syllable
Verbal prefixes ( coverbs ) do not count as a syllable. at the end of a syllable became heavily velarized in Portuguese. Colonna had the ability to stretch a syllable to extreme lengths. C......

accented syllable
Anybody knows which is the accented syllable in this name? This table only describes the changes in accented syllables. However, most English speakers perceive the accented syllable ( the ......

aretinian syllable
In the eleventh century, the music theorist Guido of Arezzo developed a six-note ascending scale that went as follows : " ut, re, mi, fa, sol, la ", and named the "'Aretinian syllables "'a......

ballistic syllable
There is some evidence that there are also ballistic syllables contrasting with non-ballistic ones.

checked syllable
Moiyen has four tones, which are reduced to two in a checked syllable. Such tones occur in the Yulin dialect, in checked syllables only, marking diminutives. This assumes that checked syll......